not true, I've always listened to what players think and always tried to improve things. I just don't like attention seeking writers "ddmax is xyz" or "maps are xyz". When I see that I reply with truth about those players.
also there was always democracy in ddmax, I've never wanted '/pause" and "/spec" and I never wanted any team 0 ranks on ddmax. (In both cases after years I must say I was wrong and that in voting I lost with my arguments). We did keep /pause (we never used /spec because its a cheat). About ranks /top5 showed only team ranks. Players did keep their team 0 ranks and they were able to see them with "/rank" or "/rank name" and it was also showned in scoreboard (TAB).
I still think that '/pause" kills the old ddrace and I still would put something diffrent instead of it or probably I would just limit it a bit.