Comments and Feedback please:
Please pay attention mainly to the new display at the bottom right, don't be distracted by the flickering at the top of the screen.
It's about the display for position, speed and target angle, which is also displayed for tees you are watching.
what do you think about size and form, any improvement ideas?
@c0d3d3v i love that it works while specing too, but i think it should only be as big as the debug menu text is, or maybe a little bigger, it takes up way too much space rn
Ok, I will take care of making it smaller tomorrow. Currently it is the same fontsize as the names in the score hud. But maybe there are more suggestions until then
which is cool, there was a map with killtiles and stoppers to startlineskip, u crossed kill and stoppers and then lose ur speed, otherwise u would fall in the void
He was certainly always the kid no one wanted to play with, when his past catches up with him he becomes very sad. Such behavior over such a long time has reasons and does not come by itself