Is there any way to check why do I get something that sorta looks like packet loss? My internet is fine but I get packet loss on all servers, both DDNet and 0.7 clients so it must be something on my side
hey so i play ddnet on standalone but i decided to try vulkan on steam and as soon as i join a srv it crashes, any ideas how to stop that from happening?
when you play a map with time cps sometimes it doesnt show the splits... i have a suspicion that it happens when you are exactly as fast as your best run. so is the client capable of displaying +-0.00?
Can I get unbanned? I got banned due to my own stupidity and I learned a lesson for myself. I used a client that changed textures, but it also had some dishonest features.
Deleted User
Can I get unbanned? I got banned due to my own stupidity and I learned a lesson for myself. I used a client that changed textures, but it also had some dishonest features.
when you play a map with time cps sometimes it doesnt show the splits... i have a suspicion that it happens when you are exactly as fast as your best run. so is the client capable of displaying +-0.00?
Cable, I don't get losses in anything else at all, other games work fine, speedtest shows 0 loss, regular programs work fine too, also tried pinging the ddnet servers and that showed 0 loss