i have a huge bug with tune zone due to prediction (i think); grenade has strange behaviour only ingame (in demo, it works correctly)
ill try to show you but i cant rn sry
i think it's due to tunezone+deepfreeze+undeep+unfreeze because i cant reproduce without those tiles. it happens when i go trough tunezone with speed and stop when i go again in tunezone or when i kill. it's very easy to reproduce (happens after 1-3 attemps)
It isnt visible because of recorder low fps, but fps get very low when the "bug is activated". grenade work correctly but bullets are showed still (like in tunezone: tune_zone 1 grenade_curvature 0; tune_zone 1 grenade_lifetime 0; tune_zone 1 grenade_speed 0)
it stops when i go again in tunezone or wwhen i kill (edited)