Hi all. Can someone explain to me why the dummy jumps, shoots, or switches weapons when I toggle between my main tee and the dummy tee? How can I be in control of this? Also, why sometimes the dummy will cycle through weapons when I press the "dummy hammer" button and immediately press it again, say to unfreeze me in mid-air? If I choose the laser, I want it to stick to the laser! (I understand that it will automatically switch to hammer on second shot, but this is different). Thanks.
Hi all. Can someone explain to me why the dummy jumps, shoots, or switches weapons when I toggle between my main tee and the dummy tee? How can I be in control of this? Also, why sometimes the dummy will cycle through weapons when I press the "dummy hammer" button and immediately press it again, say to unfreeze me in mid-air? If I choose the laser, I want it to stick to the laser! (I understand that it will automatically switch to hammer on second shot, but this is different). Thanks.
probably because you have reset on switch disabled, so when you use your deepfly button it keeps holdign the button that you were holding while switching between dummies. you can go to f1, type cl_dummy_resetonswitch 1, that'll make it so when you switch, your dummy will stop holding everything
and regarding your dummy switching weapons when you press your hammerfly bind, you can control this with cl_dummy_restore_weapon. 0 = your dummy will shoot once, then keep holding hammer until you manually switch back. 1 = dummy will switch back to weapon after he stops hammering
but I like for the dummy to keep holding what I were holding while switching.. but sometimes it looks like the dummy has a life of its own.. like switching weapons.. I am pretty sure I'm not holding the switch weapon button at the same time I started controlling the dummy
I'll play with those settings though.. thanks
I've even tried having a look at the source code out of frustration!
well basically, deepfly kinda acts like you're constantly toggling your hammerfly bind hammer by hammer (dummy hammers when you shoot/hammer). so on for 1 hammer, off and on for another hammer. with restore weapon 1, you can actually make your dummy shoot at you with 100% accuracy with whatever weapon he's holding by swinging your own hammer(edited)
that map shows movement really well but doesn't explain any other techniques. i'll recommend LearnToPlay, Basics, and 4Beginners aswell, but you'll need a partner for those maps
the HUD in game gonna be better with the new visual and its great but do u have the ambition to rework all the game visual ? menu etc ... ? or add more animation on setting etc to have a smoother UI/UX experience ?(edited)
was thinking about movie maker animation but powepoint is kinda good
M8 Narke
the HUD in game gonna be better with the new visual and its great but do u have the ambition to rework all the game visual ? menu etc ... ? or add more animation on setting etc to have a smoother UI/UX experience ? (edited)
Nope, one step at a time. The game visuals can already be customized as you like in the assets settings, what do you have in mind? What animations do you want in the settings? You can tackle that if you like I'm currently only dealing with the ingame HUD.
add one of those powerpoint presentation slider animations after each button pressed
ah so now i've understood. First I understood that he meant the button presses are animated in powerpoint, but he just meant a powerpoint animation in general.
M8 Narke
the HUD in game gonna be better with the new visual and its great but do u have the ambition to rework all the game visual ? menu etc ... ? or add more animation on setting etc to have a smoother UI/UX experience ? (edited)
anyways, for real, I don't think the game needs scene transition animations. The game of itself has sort of a... home-made makeshift vibe to it? Everything feels intertwined, recycled but in a good sense.
Adding that "extra butter" which would be UX animations would just take away from the instant grant feel of the game.
at this, this is my POV
Even if they were implemented, how would it look? What would need to be smoothened to guide the user?
@c0d3d3v holy shit i changed my mind on the subject now we for sure 100% need this
Nope, one step at a time. The game visuals can already be customized as you like in the assets settings, what do you have in mind? What animations do you want in the settings? You can tackle that if you like I'm currently only dealing with the ingame HUD.
i was just asking xd nothing in my mind ! just feeling like the game can have a better visual in a futur ofc . cuz some new player can be not really attracted by the first visual impression . but ofc the game work . the visual work . so everything good but i see lot of people work on ddnet to make the game better everytime so i was asking if it was on the "roadmap " of the game
How does the ranking system for the maps work? I've been told brutal or insane is the hardest but then what are the other categories such as ddmax represent?
How does the ranking system for the maps work? I've been told brutal or insane is the hardest but then what are the other categories such as ddmax represent?
The ddmax server on ddnet is a collection of old maps that used to be hosted on a server called DDracemaX before ddnet started. They just got a bunch of the old maps and hosted them since DDracemaX is dead. They could be as hard as a novice or brutal (maybe), just gotta go by stars.
i think i remember there being an update for mappers, that they can spec somewhere and teleport to that location on lan servers? or was i dreaming that?
the /tp feature caused quite some confusion already I got multiple private reports where people thought someone had hacked our servers or admins were cheating
seeing players teleport around on official servers is kind of strange