I am ashamed, they banned me from a server telling me disrespectful when I was being respectful with a certain MATIAS who was disrespecting me, he is someone egocentric and for having a little more points than I think better without having seen if I have ability or No, it is someone toxic and it bothers me that they ban me just because he said that I disrespected, at this moment I wonder if I continue playing teeworlds, if I quit teeworlds I would be wasting a lot of time every day, I just want it to be taught Justice
I was a faithful friend from the start. The best friend? No. But I was a faithful friend. From map to map, I helped jao get across hard barriers. We talked and talked, about the future, what teeworlds could hold. We had wonderful moments together, memories that would last a lifetime. Whenever I would see him on a server, a new journey would spark up as we explored the wonders of each map. And now? he won't fucking transfer my points