Guild icon
information / records
🏁 Keep track of top 1 (team)ranks
Between 2022-01-18 00:00:00Z and 2022-01-19 00:00:00Z
🇧🇷 Top 1 rank on [Novice] Multeasymap: 04:31.04 EH OS GURI (next best time: 04:53.38 - 7.6% improvement!)
đŸ‡Ē 32
🇭 31
🇴 31
🇸 31
đŸ‡Ŧ 31
đŸ‡ē 31
🇷 31
ℹī¸ 31
🇧🇷 33
🤡 26
greenthing 21
brownbear 22
pepeH 16
banhammer 7
🇨đŸ‡ŗ Top 1 rank on [Moderate] Easy Edge: 01:34.66 ke (next best time: 01:52.88 - 16.1% improvement!)
🇨đŸ‡ŗ 8
🇧🇷 Top 1 rank on [Solo] Verification 6.1: 00:27.82 pv (tie! - 0.0% improvement!)
wtf 10
think_bot 15
nobot 11
đŸ˜ĩ 3
đŸ‡Ģ🇷 Top 1 team rank on [Novice] StepByStep: 01:32.58 SIIIIUUUUUUU & rezee (next best time: 01:36.56 - 4.1% improvement!)
🇨 6
🇷 6
7ī¸âƒŖ 6
🐐 7
🇸 8
ℹī¸ 8
🇮 8
đŸ‡ē 8
⛎ 4
đŸ‡ĩ🇹 3
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