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DDraceNetwork / wiki | This channel is dedicated to anything related to the official Wiki, feel free contribute, improve and discuss it! Any contribution is always welcome. Matrix:
Between 2021-12-06 00:00:00Z and 2021-12-07 00:00:00Z
Been thinking about making a page for like, "Configuration" or "Useful Settings" or something. Go into a bunch of useful/common settings and explain in more depth how they work. It seems most people don't realize you can make the demo recorder record everything instead of just best times, and then when they find the setting for that they get owned by the max_demos setting. Also dummy_control I feel should get a better explanation. I didn't realize until recently that it makes fire/hook/jump turn off with dummy copy. Lot's of potential there for interesting dummy play that I just never realized you could do. cl_mouse_max_distance, nameplates, how colors work, browser filters, etc. Maybe could even get into how to change audio files and some less common assets edits like console.png, strong_weak.png, browse_icons.png, arrow.png etc. At the very least explain the correct folder path for these files if you edit them. If I can think of enough stuff I think it'd be a good page. Any thoughts? (edited)
I thought at first about just adding the settings to the binds page, but I think most of the ones I'm thinking of now aren't really useful binds, just configuration settings people might want to know more about
troll 1
and add sv_nameplates_strong Shows on which tee you have strong or weak above them sv_nameplates_strong 1 Green= you have strong on them Red= you have weak sv_nameplates_strong 2 The ids show which person killed/joined/paused on which order, if you have a lower number you have strong
smth like that 😄 this command is way too useful and a lot of people still have no idea this exist
if you have activated record anytime you can write save_replay "time in seconds" on F1 to save a Clip as demo
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