pkill -9 Discord
didnt work i guess theres some cache on my machinerm -r ~/.config/discord/Cache
for the 1 other person in the world that will also run into this issuewget --no-parent -r
rg Ryozuki
62:09:29 < Ryozuki> hi
2017-04-22.log:22:23 < ddnet-discord> <CookieAlex>
to generate projects & xcodebuild
to build themnspir-v -> metal
and not spir-v -> air
metal -> GLSL
instead of metal -> SPIR-V
. But I remember there was a list of setbacks with MoltenVK and as well any Dx/hlsl -> metal converter (edited)metal -> GLSL
instead of metal -> SPIR-V
. But I remember there was a list of setbacks with MoltenVK and as well any Dx/hlsl -> metal converter (edited)SPIR-V -> DXIL -> AIR
or something like thatSPIR-V -> DXIL
already exist btwSPIRV-Cross
doesn't mind running at compile-time, nor is anyone stopping you from using whatever MSL -> AIR
compiler you'd use at compile-time if you were coding a metal renderermyNormals[triangleId/3]
or myNormals[triangleId]
etc!delete --user=<id> --mtime=-24h
and a !mute
vec4 VertPos = vec4(inVertex.x + gOffset.x, inVertex.y + gOffset.y, 0.0, 1.0);
VertPos.x += gDir.x * float(gl_InstanceID);
VertPos.y += gDir.y * float(gl_InstanceID);
gl_Position = vec4(gPos * VertPos, 0.0, 1.0);
doesnt really need to be faster on modern GPUs, if you read the internet it really depends alot on what your goal is, as early discards are then disabled(since the GPU cannot assume the whole geometry is really non opaque)tile-layer-0 { width : 190, height : 300, origins : "some-external-file.bin}
or smth similar3a3cd41
improve halloween theme and modernize it a bit - edg-l
add a radius to the right side of blockquote - edg-l
change color to link color on hovering icons - edg-l
remove border for news - edg-l
modernize normal theme too - edg-l
Merge pull request #150 from edg-l/pr-improve-halloween - def-