I apologize for the late reply. But I'm not sure why that is, the only thing I do on DDNet servers is try to get a better time and help others. The message says "Bot" I assume for "aimbot", I don't even block, how would that help me? Cheers.
I don't know who saw what, but they need their eyes checked. Actually cooperating and racing is more of a reason for a ban than being a dick and blocking in race, I see. Thanks for everything
u need to move the maps u wnat from ur downloadedmaps folder to the data/maps folders in ur server directory, and also add them as vote options in ur autoexec_server.cfg file
anyway, done, apparently all you need to do is
sv_register 0
sv_name Edibles server
sv_motd Sup Bitches?
erase your maps directory and
mklink /D maps downloadedmaps
and it'll show all the maps you have
limit in how many maps it can list in Call Vote? how would that work while still showing the map you want to play? :)
could always use /map command in chat, I guess