@Lagar some ddmax maps are cool as i already said. maps like adre 3 or some other 4 or 5* maps...but every 1-3* map is just basic drag parts, basic drag parts and even more basic boring drag parts. and the start of ddnet was when ddmax was still there..so obviously the first ddnet maps are like ddmax maps...its the same era of mapping
Yes im agree with this, it was the mapping style of that era, but as same as u can find a lot of basic drag maps on low stars map of ddmax, u can find on novice ddnet and even moderate/oldschool (epix, abusrd series...)
the thing is that if u go to hard ddmax maps, a lot of them arent just simple drags. And if compare barren with basic drag is an insult (im agree with that), when u are declining maps using "ddmax parts", u are kinda saying ddmax maps are bored and wich is the same bullshit than say barren is simple drag, it's like say ddnet is boring because novice maps are boring and use "ddnet part" to explain a simple novice part
And maybe old players know what they can find on ddmax, but if the only times u read ddmax is to mention simple drags new players will kinda think that the 300 maps of ddmax are just simple drags C: