well you just eval whatever +fire is in but ye can be part of another bind so it's kinda impossible without introducing annoying constraints on complex binding
meh seems like there isn't a pretty solution actually
unless you make reffable binds?
like can only be one command
and they're there to eval specific one-time actions
sounds like a patch fix for a deeper issue though
I was considering key aliases, so alias mouse1 fire_key and bind fire_key +fire(edited)
chillerdragon: i tried to fix this blackscreen thing, i get this on the old intel laptop too
but even if i set the fullscreen mode to the one reported by SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode it doesn't work
So maybe its really a driver thing, especially bcs it works on AMD without any problem
so rip to real fullscreen users with that problem xd
me was told that the ice climbers skin goes not in the database because it is from nintendo. then why are other skins from other games/movies in the database? makes no sense to ban it now, then all skins would have to go out again that could infringe copyright @louis@Ravie@Clefairy'(edited)