That's a skin artist issue, not a freeze issue. If they decide to not get along the hitbox fine, but they know what they are up to.
The hitbox is the same for every tees and the freezing is consistent(edited)
Yet players know that a good option is to have visual match hitbox as closely as possible, and then they all chose the octane-model hitbox in rocket league
but hey, if the entities make you happy and you like to use them that's fine, i just visualize a point in the center of my tee and that is more accurate to me lol
it would be terrible as actual entities though since the freeze will be so incredibly small
having to show distance from character in all 4 directions
hard to see, looks like there's space between them, easily confusable with other "true" entities
Oh, but I don't want to fit the tee skin actually, I'm targeting the tee hitbox. And I play with skins close to default, that I guess was used to calibrate hitbox
The "the hook is tiny enough to fit through a corner" lore is perfect for this
Second one is a little weird, but I don't know why having many things weird is an argument to not change one
I know everyone here probably learn to play years ago with those square freeze tiles and are thinking I'm a idiot showing this, I just wanted to share it