even if the team has already started.
suggests an imperative programming language but it's all a weird declarative jumble with insane edge cases and workaroundsreturn
statements without the user authenticationreturn
statements without the user authenticatingreturn
s with auth_basic
maybe this works?error_page 418 = @auth;
if ($cookie_auth != "ntbCzGEAbiz58YcbrB4Wc4DJG") {
return 418;
location @auth {
auth_basic "closed site";
auth_basic_user_file htpasswd;
try_files /dev/null @cookie;
location @cookie {
add_header Set-Cookie "auth=ntbCzGEAbiz58YcbrB4Wc4DJG;max-age=31536000;path=/";
return 302 $request_uri;
if no one understands it you are doing it right