This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2021-07-20 00:00:00Z and 2021-07-21 00:00:00Z
About 3 days ago my dog started to get very thin, the other day he started shitting blood and vomiting a lot, the other day it was very bad, today at 7:33 pm, he started screaming a lot, he couldn't
About 3 days ago my dog started to get very thin, the other day he started shitting blood and vomiting a lot, the other day it was very bad, today at 7:33 pm, he started screaming a lot, he couldn't Can anyone on the DDnet team look into this? I can only see two options. Somehow skipping Solo at the start of the map or an exploit
Yea but we need a little bit of creativity in names
Scrumplex Can anyone on the DDnet team look into this? I can only see two options. Somehow skipping Solo at the start of the map or an exploit