I have a bug when I turn deepfly on, my dummy will change weapon on every mouse click before shooting/hammering. I can solve it by switching from main to dummy when dummy has gun and switching weapon manually to hammer. Any idea how to solve it? I am using the recommended deepfly script
I have a bug when I turn deepfly on, my dummy will change weapon on every mouse click before shooting/hammering. I can solve it by switching from main to dummy when dummy has gun and switching weapon manually to hammer. Any idea how to solve it? I am using the recommended deepfly script
In the clip i quickly scrolled+switched to main tee, This makes the deepfly bind (bind mouse1 "+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0") unusable. I see no harm in making the scroll wh...
Maybe I should stop using scroll wheel for changing weapons?
Will try this now.
cl_dummy_restore_weapon 0
bind mouse1 "+fire;+toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0 "
echo "Dummymode: Deepfly"
bind f exec "2.cfg"
will deepfly still work with laser equipped ?(edited)
Now the dummy will always change to hammer and keep it. That's already very good!
Is there a way to instead make it consistently keep the equipped weapon and not change?
I put cl_dummy_restore_weapon at the end of my weapon binds, so hammer/pistol sets it to 1 and laser/sg sets it to 0. So when I wanna fly dummy won't keep switching but the laser trick will still work
If you use scroll to do prev/next weapon though this won't work :(
and just switch to whatever weapon you want before using deepfly
this was my setup in the video (cl_dummy_restore_weapon 1) but, as you can see, the moment I switch weapon I start the bug and the dummy will switch weapons on every click
lots of people stand by sticking to the scroll wheel, but I had issues with parts that require you to switch to specific weapons quickly and having dedicated binds really helped w/ that. I genuinely think it's a good move in the long run but I know some others disagree