in the map after the cataclysm, I went from the down left platform to right up, why would anyone go right and get the katana, climb like that? was rocket optional?, yes and if you dont take the rocket thats probably not a very good life choice :( F(edited)
Yes, deen helped me fix it, was quite a while ago. Altho a couple of days later it enabled itself again. The relation to frequent refreshing is just a guess of mine
On Windows you can simply press the windows key + R and type %appdata%/Teeworlds
put gui_cursor.png into that directory
then it also doesn't get overwritten after an update from steam(edited)
dont put it in the data directory
"The config directory can also be used as data directory to replace skins or other files, without modifying the client's data directory (note: it has the same directory structure as the data directory)"