is it possible to convert a teeworlds 0.7 skin to 0.6 so we can use it on DDNET ? since the skin file is json in teeoworlds and png on ddnet i really don't know how to convert my skin
if someone is using a copy bot to copy name and skin does he have to download ur skin skin or can he actually copy it without having it in skins folder?(edited)
also use the windows+shitft+ rght/left arrows since it takes time till the dgpu kicks in, AND MAKE SURE UR EXTERNAL IS USING A HDMI CONNECTION NOTHING ELSE
ye, i set it to 400, but when i put it on infinite its still only 200
manufacturers cheap out on laptops by making the hdmi port as the main connection to the dpgu
also use the windows+shitft+ rght/left arrows since it takes time till the dgpu kicks in, AND MAKE SURE UR EXTERNAL IS USING A HDMI CONNECTION NOTHING ELSE
take it off 400 its better either way, i recieve about 150 fps when using igpu, 500 fps on main screen when using dgpu and 2000+ when using dpgu and external
u wont fry it :D, if u limit it masively it can sometimes scale down in fps, for example if i go lowwer than 300 fps cap on my external i get suddenly 30 fps
remove all fps caps, also sest ur laptop in performance mode, plug it in for sure, and use the windows+shift+right arrow rather than launching ddnet on your external
okay, something is off with my system, i disconnected the external monitor now and i still get the same fps. yesterday it was at the cap of 400 easily(edited)
okay, something is off with my system, i disconnected the external monitor now and i still get the same fps. yesterday it was at the cap of 400 easily (edited)
just restart pc, then check that ur pc is in performance mode, then check both windows gpu settings and nvidia that ur app the new ddnet u downloaded is in dgpu mode, then g oto ddnet take of any fps cap and change screens using windows+shitft+righ arrow. see if that works