too) (edited)/usr/local/opt/freetype/lib/libfreetype.6.dylib
which is put there by brew i think and non dev macs will not find it. I know this issue but i forgot the fix. Wasnt it something like cmake .. -DPREFER_BUNDLED_LIBS=ON but that did not help.for<'f> fn(&'f ctx, &'f msg, &'f args) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output=CommandResult> + Send + 'f>>
(edited)async fn name(ctx, msg, args) -> CommandResult
to fn name(ctx, msg, args) -> pinboxwhatevermess
makes it weirdrefreshing ip
instead refreshing ip addresses
it becomes fine (edited)m_pMasterServer->RefreshAddresses(Nettype);
in CConsole::Print(...)
void CConsole::Print(int Level, const char *pFrom, const char *pStr, ColorRGBA PrintColor)
dbg_msg(pFrom, "%s", pStr);
char aBuf[1024];
Format(aBuf, sizeof(aBuf), pFrom, pStr);
for(int i = 0; i < m_NumPrintCB; ++i)
if(Level <= m_aPrintCB[i].m_OutputLevel && m_aPrintCB[i].m_pfnPrintCallback)
m_aPrintCB[i].m_pfnPrintCallback(aBuf, m_aPrintCB[i].m_pPrintCallbackUserdata, PrintColor);
m_PrintCBIndex = Console()->RegisterPrintCallback(g_Config.m_ConsoleOutputLevel, SendRconLineAuthed, this);
server does this