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companies end up profiting from pride month but that is not the point of pride month. the point is to raise awareness + get homophobes and transphobes to talk about their views so they can be debated, hopefully changing some of their minds(edited)
either way this is not a discussion for this channel
homosexual people have alot more trouble in russia than in germany is what i am saying, but still in germany there are homosexuals who struggle to tell their parents about it
idk if ur trying to argue ur arguing the wrong points
Deleted User
homosexual people have alot more trouble in russia than in germany is what i am saying, but still in germany there are homosexuals who struggle to tell their parents about it
Well, if you take the word off topic literally, everything that is not about teeworlds should be discussed there, shouldn't it? Because the server is built only on teeworlds things
Is it ok to discuss this here or should it be done elsewhere