DDNet 15.5 is supposed to release in 1 week, assuming no bad bugs are found. Please test Release Candidate 3 to prevent problems being only discovered after release. Report bugs in the #bugs channel or directly on Github: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/3846
You can also test the release candidate in Steam by clicking on Settings -> Properties -> Betas and opting into the Release Candidates. This will automatically update you to a new release candidate when it is available, and to the next release when no new candidate is available. So you can always leave this setting enabled to help us test new releases earlier.
Check the full lists of changes on Github: https://github.com/ddnet/ddnet/pull/3846
The highlights are:
Release Candidate 3 is now available. It's hopefully the last one, all remaining known issues have been fixed. To prevent bugs in the released version please test it in the next days.