This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2021-06-07 00:00:00Z and 2021-06-08 00:00:00Z
does someone know whether or not N9mkOik is legit now? I watched a view videos and everyone is calling him out as a cheater. I read a thread where they said that he was banned because of cheating, but does he still do it or is he not doing it anymore?(edited)
tees need to touch the center of a freeze tile to get frozen, hammer range is a little larger than half a tile, so you can hit someone while neither of you are actively touching a freeze tile
(it's a simplification but that's what it boils down to)
I can show you and we can do some maps if you want
tees need to touch the center of a freeze tile to get frozen, hammer range is a little larger than half a tile, so you can hit someone while neither of you are actively touching a freeze tile
You can technically just wing it but it takes a looot of experience to be good enough to get things into position without a consistent setup
The hook up, fall down, swing under aims to get you a target tee with no horizontal velocity or a very small amount towards you, making it easier to reproduce(edited)
i feel like there is one half which is extremly nice, patient, chill to play with and then there is the other half which consists of 12 year olds with a show-off complex
Not claiming he did. But it's something worth noting. You can't say a system is silly while it's already in place. Whomever did create it obviously didn't believe they were silly. Just didn't decide on the extent in which they should be implemented, or half-assed it.
I'm not sure what's played more now. PvP or ddrace? Either way more functions can be added. Personally the clan system itself is a good idea just for the fact that I can add a clan as a friend and see anyone in the clan is in any game, and how many are online. That's already great. I can agree that an account system not being there makes it a bit moot...
So tracking current clan points couldn't be too hard to add in. I'd think... Except that ddnet doesn't track the current clan I'm in. Whether or not anyone would take the time is a different story.
I can show you and we can do some maps if you want
Not claiming he did. But it's something worth noting. You can't say a system is silly while it's already in place. Whomever did create it obviously didn't believe they were silly. Just didn't decide on the extent in which they should be implemented, or half-assed it.
Press windows key + R to open run, then copy paste this: PowerShell "(gc %AppData%\Teeworlds\settings_ddnet.cfg) | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch 'gfx_screen_height|gfx_screen_width' } | Set-Content -Path %AppData%\Teeworlds\settings_ddnet.cfg", then hit enter