The Shotgun fires a straight beam and is a mobility focused, automatic weapon. The beam will reflect off walls and ends by either hitting a tee or by reaching its maximum range.
wow this is really good, I'll get Zwelf to add it. You obv really invested a lot already in this video, which is awesome. Out of curiosity: Which program did you use to crop the video?
Its not required but If you are willing to do it: could you try to make the video looping? so having the video end on the same picture it started. In this case it would just be holding the shotgun permanently in the same direction
ah, if the tool supports it, try to keep the tee in the middle (though again, if its too much trouble just send me/Zwelf the original video and we'll do the cropping)
@Slava Zwelf is uploading the first video right now, awesome :)
If you could make it looping, we'll quickly update the video with it, that would also be cool
Could you also send the big video and the cut demo file?