0: Some(
"hour": Some(
"minute": Some(
"second": Some(
teeserverinfo on ξ master [?] is 📦 v0.1.0 via 🦀 v1.52.1 took 2m16s
only 1 hour and 2 mins already xdDownloaded: 9140 files, 269.61M bytes, 0 redirects, 0 errors
wget2 -m -p -np 26.11s user 17.92s system 153% cpu 28.619 total
"info": {
"clients": [
"name": "heinrich5991",
"clan": "",
"country": null,
"score": 123,
"team": -1
"max_players": 64,
"max_clients": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "DDRaceNetwork",
"name": "DDNet RUS - Moderate [DDraceNetwork]",
"map": {
"name": "Sunreal",
"sha256": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"size": 12345
"version": "0.6.4, 11.2.1"
"port": 1234,
"secret": "abcdef"
"info": {
"clients": [
"name": "heinrich5991",
"clan": "",
"country": null,
"score": 123,
"team": -1
"max_players": 64,
"max_clients": 64,
"passworded": false,
"game_type": "DDRaceNetwork",
"name": "DDNet RUS - Moderate [DDraceNetwork]",
"map": {
"name": "Sunreal",
"sha256": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef",
"size": 12345
"version": "0.6.4, 11.2.1"
"port": 1234,
"secret": "abcdef"
ddnet2 echo '\"'
ddnet2 echo '\\"'
echo -e \"hello\"
'ban ip.ip.ip.ip -1 "bad'\''[guy\"\\. Until May 20 16:05 UTC" # Learath2#2281: Learath2'
this evaluates to the single string ban ip.ip.ip.ip -1 "bad'[guy\"\. Until May 20 16:05 UTC" # Learath2#2281: Learath2
. Now I need to escape this again before I can pass it along with ssh $ "echo '$1' > servers/servers/*.fifo"
ssh 'echo -e '\''ban ip.ip.ip.ip -1 "bad'\''[guy\"\\. Until May 20 16:05 UTC" # Learath2#2281: Learath2'\'' > servers/servers/*.fifo'
this is what gets called and apparently has an unmatched quoteecho -e 'ban -1 "bad'[guy\"\. Until May 20 16:05 UTC" # Learath2#2281: Learath2
this is what's left after the local shell escapes onceecho ${1:q}
worked instead of echo '$1'
mostly because I couldn't find how tf one is supposed to escape a string that's about to go between single quotestimeout 30 ssh $ "echo '$1' > servers/servers/*.fifo"
was the entire line here quotes have no meaning so $1 would get expanded, but since this will get executed on a remote shell that will expand the entire thing again${1:q}
directly because that's the only escaping capability I found documentedcat mess.txt | ssh $ 'cat > servers/servers/*.fifo'
matrixuser [bot]
and on the matrix side discorduser (Discord)
is talking.discorduser
is talking (without the "(Discord)")