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DDraceNetwork / mapping
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Between 2021-05-16 00:00:00Z and 2021-05-17 00:00:00Z
I need some advice when it comes to switches. I gues it'd be too long here so if anyone is very familiar with switches, feel free to DM me
better ask your question here
Thought it'd be too much but sure. How do i edit each switch when it comes to being active and deactive by default? I got a switch at the first part that i want to be deactivated by default (dragging laser). I did ask that here before, got my answers and got it working with a server setting. However, another switch further on the map is supposed to be active by default (door) but obviously isn't because of the setting. I will probably have more switches than that and i want to know how i'm supposed to do it in order for it to work. Can i change settings for each and every switch that i have? E.g Switch 1 is OFF by default, Switch 2 is ON by default? (and so on)
Thought it'd be too much but sure. How do i edit each switch when it comes to being active and deactive by default? I got a switch at the first part that i want to be deactivated by default (dragging laser). I did ask that here before, got my answers and got it working with a server setting. However, another switch further on the map is supposed to be active by default (door) but obviously isn't because of the setting. I will probably have more switches than that and i want to know how i'm supposed to do it in order for it to work. Can i change settings for each and every switch that i have? E.g Switch 1 is OFF by default, Switch 2 is ON by default? (and so on)
Can't you just put an activation switch in front of the part?
I did think about it yes. But i haven't seen a map, at least i never noticed it, that a door for example is open, and when you approach the part, the door closes. Wouldn't that be weird?
Thought it'd be too much but sure. How do i edit each switch when it comes to being active and deactive by default? I got a switch at the first part that i want to be deactivated by default (dragging laser). I did ask that here before, got my answers and got it working with a server setting. However, another switch further on the map is supposed to be active by default (door) but obviously isn't because of the setting. I will probably have more switches than that and i want to know how i'm supposed to do it in order for it to work. Can i change settings for each and every switch that i have? E.g Switch 1 is OFF by default, Switch 2 is ON by default? (and so on)
just add a number behind your setting: switch_open 1 = switch 1 is open
Yes, it worked. It was my bad, i had a tile placed wrongly. I did first try with changing up the number, but it didn't work. And it couldn't work. My bad! Thanks though!
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