1) chose random point inside a triangle
2) chose a random corner of that triangle, and go in between your point and that corner.
3) draw a circle at your new point
4) go to 2)
What if your random point is the green one and your random corner the upper corner? The point would be the blue dot but there is no one. The biggest black triangle has to be black because its > anypoint+corner/2 always but why the smaller ones?
If that's an attempt at kimchi it looks like far too little gochugaru. You want the reddest you can find and quite a lot of it
I'm sure it'll taste fine though. It's really hard to go wrong with the ingredients in kimchi (unless you dont have enough salt, then you don't get the correct kind of bacteria and you get a very foul end product)
Oh or if you have too much ginger. That'll just overpower everything else