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information / announcements
Between 2021-04-17 00:00:00Z and 2021-04-18 00:00:00Z
I'm happy to present you this year's third Tournament, the Brutal (★★★✰✰) map "Best of Three" by Tridemy & Cøke. The Tournament will be played on Sunday, April 25 at 20:00 CEST on special Tournament servers in every DDNet location. No one has seen the map yet and the first finish will win! The maps is for 3-player teams only! Thanks to QuiX, Knuski & louis for testing the map! The results will later be available on the tournament page: (edited)
poggers 20
🤨 8
jaj 11
feelsamazingman 5
yeee 5
f3 6
twcow 5
sheeptee 6
konsit 7
headbot 5
actroll 5
aogey 4
PC_3Pog 4
3Head 3
clapboyo 3
New map DoomWorld II by Genex & Syltoox released on Brutal.
nobot 18
think_bot 7
@M|aria. joined as mod 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 4
👋 4
@Pipou removed from mod. Forgot to announce this one yesterday
greenthing 12
konsit 3
🥖 6
NoKabaguette 9
kek 7
trollouis 2
Exported 4 message(s)