Any documentation on how /swap works? I've seen the github threads and see it in the change logs. Still unclear to me how it works.
Well, when in a team, you can use the swap command in the chat like this (for this example you are tela and your mate is nouis):
/swap nouis
nouis will now receive a message telling something like this:
tela wants to swap with you, you can use /swap tela in 120 seconds
(or 180, I'm not sure)
You'll have to wait 120 or 180 seconds before you can actually swap. You can still continue the playthrough of the map while waiting those minutes. When enough time has passed, nouis can make the command /swap tela
and it'll change position with you. Every upgrade (infinite hook, jumps, jetpack, grenade etc.) is swapped between the two tees.
Note: If you wait to long after the cooldown without nouis doing the /swap tela
command, it'll expire and you'll have to wait ~5 min more before doing it again.
I strongly advise you to try this in-game, it will probably be clearer than what I explained. (Note that I used this command only 5 times so there might be mistakes)