What you guys think about unfreezing after teleportation in case if you have failed? In most maps there is unfreezing tile in teleportation out place. Wont be better to have a single entity or setting to unfreeze the tee after teleportation but do not unfreeze him on touching teleport out place ?
1. You got to put it in all teleports, you have to move it in case teleport moved
2. Such unfreeze wont be in a map design
3. Unintended unfreezes on touching tele out place
isnt this the opposite of placing unfreeze ontop? xD u contradict urself
"placing unfreeze in tele to get unfreezed"
"placing freeze in tele to get freeze"
and also why adding unfreeze in all tele when u can just add 1 unfreeze tile in totele, xD? i dont understand this convo is just dumb. Its harder to code it and make sure no bugs after done etc than just mappers adding 1 tile of unfreeze xD
"either dont enable this behavior which is disabled by default" and this is just trash, cause its the same as adding unfreeze on it or no. Anyway i leave this convo, not important anyway xD
it is way to small, but ill keep it that way until theres so much players that more space is needed. the map is an experience, and i dont want to influence it to make it suitable for the masses
i wont be able to present u the perfekt map, but i can get it better step by step if players test it and give some some tips about what sux and what is good
despite, the background is shit, i tried some but they were all shit, its gonna change