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Development / bugs
Report client & server bugs, especially but not limited to release candidates.
Between 2021-03-13 00:00:00Z and 2021-03-14 00:00:00Z
btw are dj particles supposed to only render for main tee
sometimes i dont see it (when im playing, not when im /spec)
While antiping is turned on, you don't see the double jump particles of them. This is a problem imo because it could/should be confusing for new players seeing where exactly the other tee d...
is it if i use antiping at all?
it should display under 100 ping or whatever
otherwise u only get the feet indicator that someone djed (i guess u can tell if they change position too, but they could have also hooked/nade/etc)
Deleted User
sounds like a GPU problem, see pinned message if u got intel
Nope, there's no message, this has been happening for a few months now, and only with the latest version or the one before that, from there to older ones no problem.
Nope, there's no message, this has been happening for a few months now, and only with the latest version or the one before that, from there to older ones no problem.
there is a pinned message in this channel
Guys, I have this weird issue with both GER servers. It all started a few days ago, when I joined a ger2 server and had 150ms. Normally, I would have around 40ms on ger1 and 64ms on ger2, but recently I have been experiencing ger1 and ger2 jumping from 70ms up to 100ms (cant go lower than 70ms). I thought it was a general ddnet problem, but when I check on POL and RUS (Im from Poland) latencies seem to be normal and stable. I did upgrade to a new router 2 weeks ago, but had been only experiencing improvements in latency up until recently. I tried pinging the servers from cmd and these are the results: GER1: average 43ms GER2: average 64ms , so everything seems to be normal but the game is not playable at all. Do you guys have any suggestions?
get in touch with your ISP and decide this problem. Both GER servers are in Frankfurt, but otherwise totally different hosters. You can tell them that it's UDP game servers
describe* this problem
a random person 2021-03-13 18:54:22Z
there's two of me after my ddnet crashed
on kog aip-gores GER rn
ok 2nd me left somehow
on official ddnet servers, you can rejoin to get back your old tee after you see "you can now use timeout protection"
not sure how it is on kog, you could ask there
a random person 2021-03-13 19:05:54Z
Exported 19 message(s)