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Between 2021-02-21 00:00:00Z and 2021-02-22 00:00:00Z
Dunno if its ok, i increased the scoreboard a bit, bcs its already pretty tight and i didnt want to decrease the space for name/clan
new with way too long names(clamps them as expected):
Sometimes it asks me for a passphrase and I don't know which one exactly I think there is a masterpass and a keyfile and other crypto things or something but I mostly ignore it and it just works
So yes it's complicated but you can mostly ignore the weird crypto things it wants from you and it will somehow keep working
The concept is too hard for the layman to grasp. It can only be the future if they could hide all the aspects of it that make it pleasing to us computerppl. The average user of chat applications only care that their cat pictures get from A to B and the UI looks sleek
When you start to tell them about decentralization and crypto and privacy it gets scary
Even more scary for people that have half-assed knowledge. My math teacher told me people that contribute to privacy oriented projects or use them are completely immoral as it facilitates terrorism and drug trafficking
Sure but why would they? It’s actually bad for them as they are in the business of controlling people. If people communicate on decentralized networks in an encrypted way how are they supposed to control the narrative?
Like how US presidents from both sides always say they are "for the people" when they only represent the interests of ~50% of Americans every 4 years. The bigger the organization, the bigger this problem becomes. This is an argument for small groups governing themselves with their own liberties and responsibilities, aka libertarianism. This line of thinking is not in line with the EU, although being part of the EU does have some nifty benefits. Big government bad, almost as bad as weak hook.
So a political organization can be “citizen oriented” if it tries to satisfy most of the people. It’s not very loaded, it’s just hiding away the concept of democracy.
Big government bad is the most neo-lib thing I’ve heard in a decade. Are you going to start quoting thatcher or reagan soon?
Alienating a large portion of your constituents is how you get riots. The larger the group the more dangerous. At least that's what we saw in the last year in the US.
Chopping your population into smaller and smaller blocks until you are left with family units is also not sane
Government is a compromise, we all find a way to live together in a way that satisfies the most of us. The US satisfies 1% of it’s population and is baffled when 90% of it riots
Under the guise of pleasing 50% governments get elected and they start feeding their wall street overlords while giving just enough anesthesia to the 50% that they don’t notice that they aren’t doing anything they promised on elections
I would define that as “not citizen oriented”
The federated structure of the EU is exactly to overcome the issues you envision btw. If there isn’t an objective truth in some matter member states are completely free to regulate as their citizens want
I like how the EU nations spend a decent portion of their taxpayer pot into healthcare and education, whereas in the US I give almost 50% of my income to taxes, and the only thing I get is a $1 trillion military every year to kill Palestinian kids, while I pay for my own healthcare and my own education. That's why we all hate the government in USA.
Sure that will drop the absolute amount of money you spend on bombing yemen but it doesn’t get you any healthcare. California as it is right now has overwhelming support for healthcare, yet there is no state attempt to have a single payer healthcare system in California
(As far as I’m aware there is nothing a state can do that isn’t regulated by the federal govt, so they could indeed do it if they want to)
California doesn't have enough money to get water to its citizens. Too many people and too much infrastructure to support. This seems to be the problem is all big cities in the US. You can't fix a densely populated area without insane spending.
There is a mass exodus in the US away from big cities right now for these reasons
Moving out of the big cities yields higher quality of life and a higher income to cost of living ratio
But I am young, naiive, and anti-war. When I'm old and bitter I may find that the only way to get a large nation to cooperate is by implementing a shared belief system with expensive and restrictive policies. People love religion, big government, and high taxes because it's the only way to ensure large groups cooperate.(edited)
We nearly broke that cycle recently. Socialist party nearly got elected (which may have been a good change) with Bernie printing money to fix the country. But then you are still borrowing money from the future generation aka a non-solution. I like your point about the myth of money though. Since its value is only based on what you trust others will value it, it really doesn't matter what you do as far as spending...
If a radical politician made a big change that had positive impacts, citizens would see through the two party system
It still seems clear as day to me that if the US spendy a little less on military, then we would have free healthcare and free education. Everyone in the world needs healthcare and education, that's obvious.
The only risk (fear, thanks Russian arms race) is that if we cut military spending at all then we will be invaded lol
As far as I know from what I’ve read the US’s current healthcare spending is enough to establish a single payer healthcare system, so you might even get to keep the massive military
I like how the EU nations spend a decent portion of their taxpayer pot into healthcare and education, whereas in the US I give almost 50% of my income to taxes, and the only thing I get is a $1 trillion military every year to kill Palestinian kids, while I pay for my own healthcare and my own education. That's why we all hate the government in USA.
The other argument is to deregulate and de-mystify the US healthcare system (libertarian approach). Currently you cannot shop around for healthcare, you can't even get a quote for what a procedure or medicine will cost. The federal government granting patents causes a monopoly where insulin costs pennies to make and gets sold for hundreds of dollars.
The other problem in US is that health insurance companies are one of the biggest and most powerful political organisations. Health insurance is trillions of dollars and they basically run the show. This is a cycle as when they raise prices they get more money in the system and more power
Either the government needs to allow competitive prices from multiple sellers, or the government needs to set a mark-up limit for healthcare expenses
I think patents last around 20 years or something depending on what type. You are right about "new" patents that are basically just the old product with a small change.
When a company can sell insulin for $100 for so long, it becomes the market value
The other problem in US is that health insurance companies are one of the biggest and most powerful political organisations. Health insurance is trillions of dollars and they basically run the show. This is a cycle as when they raise prices they get more money in the system and more power
They with their trillions of dollars also run the politics of this issue btw. The supreme court decision that equates corporations to people in the eyes of the first amendment is literally a travesty of law. How could bribery be legalized it’s like one of the oldest crimes
What people in other parts of the world would call corruption and degeneracy the US govt calls lobbying and legalizes it. Wtf
Corporate collusion is inevitable when you are talking about trillions of dollars. There is no getting around that. You just have to know it's there and work with it I guess
Same argument goes to big industries like tobacco and milk. You know it illegal to advertise products in public schools? In the US it is illegal to advertise every product except milk, because the dairy industry is so big that it lobbied the government to brainwash kids lol. Ridiculous.
You show up to public school as a 5 year old in USA and there are milk advertisements on all the walls.
Tobacco and Alcohol are like one of the strongest lobbies everywhere. There is no way you could even be able to sell any product with half the harms of tobacco and alcohol
The alcohol industry in america is very good since prohibition. They self-regulate things such as never showing alcohol consumption in an ads (oddly enough) because they "don't want to promote drinking" but yeah you can't stop alcohol and tobacco industry
In turkey only the government is allowed to advertise in any school, not just public ones. And they usually run “ads” encouraging people to do sports or drink milk etc.
What if they were advertising tobacco in public schools? People would lose their minds. The problem is that most people think milk is relatively harmless I think. The science of environmental impact and dairy farming would beg to differ, but that's too much thinking
What if they were advertising tobacco in public schools? People would lose their minds. The problem is that most people think milk is relatively harmless I think. The science of environmental impact and dairy farming would beg to differ, but that's too much thinking
I think education is the foundational solution to most problems in our society. I think both sides completely agree with that. Now I can't understand how the US education system is still so terrible.
I think education is the foundational solution to most problems in our society. I think both sides completely agree with that. Now I can't understand how the US education system is still so terrible.
I'm sure many people in this chat have experienced: easiest way to get a high paying job in USA is to get a college degree. Most places to get a college degree you have to go into bad debt. Then you get a high paying job, and spend 10+ years trying to pay off your debt and not really making more net income than you would have before. So it's like 15 years of bullshit until your college degree may have a net positive on your finances, while you absorb the opportunity cost when you are in school for years as well. Sounds enticing right?
That's a good theory. Slave theory.
I'm sure many people in this chat have experienced: easiest way to get a high paying job in USA is to get a college degree. Most places to get a college degree you have to go into bad debt. Then you get a high paying job, and spend 10+ years trying to pay off your debt and not really making more net income than you would have before. So it's like 15 years of bullshit until your college degree may have a net positive on your finances, while you absorb the opportunity cost when you are in school for years as well. Sounds enticing right?
I have a theory about this too. Most people don’t actually belong in universities. They belong in technical schools but universities are sooooooo profitable to their owners so they open spots as bait
Technical/vocational schools should really increase all around the world. There is a need for a lot of capable/qualified people. There is no need for millions of academic-lites graduating from university-lites
The worst situation (and very common) is people with average grades going to college, from a middle-class family.
Firstly, the income of your family should not determine how much aid a student gets, as many of them are independent. Secondly, middle-class families are the sweet spot where they get no aid, and their parents generally can't afford to pay tuition. So everyone eventually gets to the middle-class and stays there miserably lol.
These people end up with massive student loan debt and get out there with no hirable skills to speak of. I think it’s insane that so many people are forced to get uni degrees to have a chance at a job that pays a living wage
The worst situation (and very common) is people with average grades going to college, from a middle-class family.
Firstly, the income of your family should not determine how much aid a student gets, as many of them are independent. Secondly, middle-class families are the sweet spot where they get no aid, and their parents generally can't afford to pay tuition. So everyone eventually gets to the middle-class and stays there miserably lol.
Middle class almost always gets the shaft in almost every problem except maybe day to day life. You can check economic growth all around the world during the capitalism “miracle” and see how the poor people and the extremely rich benefitted insanely middle class had meh growth
I had a staff position at a university for a year. The way the budget worked was that you must spend all your budget by the end of the year, otherwise you get a budget cut the next year. So everything was designed to be as expensive and inefficient as possible. Most government work is like this in USA. It was very strange compared to corporate industry where it is all about cost savings and efficiency.
I had a staff position at a university for a year. The way the budget worked was that you must spend all your budget by the end of the year, otherwise you get a budget cut the next year. So everything was designed to be as expensive and inefficient as possible. Most government work is like this in USA. It was very strange compared to corporate industry where it is all about cost savings and efficiency.
Funniest part is that the govt encourages this by cutting the budget. By their own hand they are forcing people to be as inefficient as possible to be able to keep their funding
I am currently a middle-class american, living the comfortable american dream. I have no real complaints, which is why nothing will change for my demographic. People living in relative comfort don't care to insight change
Yes and no. Define care. I am pissed that I pay almost 50% of my income to the government, so I don't want any policy that raises taxes more. I am all for the government redirecting funds to actually help people, but that's not profitable for the corporations running the show. They care as much as anything, but not about the right things it seems
Deleted User
ok, but isnt the server checking the request in some frequence?
Uuuh, I would think w.r.t the connections propagation delay the cpu sleep is negligible
Yes and no. Define care. I am pissed that I pay almost 50% of my income to the government, so I don't want any policy that raises taxes more. I am all for the government redirecting funds to actually help people, but that's not profitable for the corporations running the show. They care as much as anything, but not about the right things it seems
If I am not willing to pay more taxes, and the government will not redirect funds towards healthcare and education, nothing will change. I blame big government bloat for its wastefulness, corporate collusion, and military spending. But you could blame whatever you want
@Learath2 ok, then last question, do you think the opposite, an insanly fast CPU can cause the UDP packets to be not in order causing the packets to be dropped/ignored, or is our code designed to pack these chunks into one packet?
Everyone should be planning to retire early. Working all day for 40 years straight should not be the dream. Although working a little bit for your whole life sounds nice.
@Deleted User we pack as much as we can into one packet. One teeworlds ‘packet’ is packed with as many other chunks that fit, one thing I’m not sure about is whether msgflag vital guarantees order
Hm, no I’m sure an extremely fast cpu doesn’t matter either
It should all depend on the connection and the window size
Technical/vocational schools should really increase all around the world. There is a need for a lot of capable/qualified people. There is no need for millions of academic-lites graduating from university-lites
"virtue is the only good" for human beings, and those external things—such as health, wealth, and pleasure—are not good or bad in themselves (adiaphora), but have value as "material for virtue to act upon."
This is worth debugging, I would add dbg msgs on the client and the server to check what is requested and what is sent as a start as that’s how I debugged the fast download when implementing it
If he wants to dig deeper that’s a good place to start
A cute upgrade to the teeworlds protocol would be the ability to send maps thru a tcp socket. It would be soooo pretty to be able to just splice the memory into the socket getting rid of the dozens of syscalls done
I think an interesting place to take this conversation is the cost of extending human life. It is easy to imagine that in a generation the life expectancy could be closer to 100 years. Then let's say on average (hypothetically) everyone will get a terrible cancer and need a $1 million treatment by the time they are 95 years old. That is a burden that no government could afford. Where do you draw the line between basic healthcare vs extending human life at unreasonable cost?
More realistic scenario: Mr Big Mac McDonald's comes in at age 35 weighing 500 lbs. His diet has caused cardiac disease and now he needs a new heart transplant that will cost $100,000. Should the free healthcare system absorb that cost?
I think an interesting place to take this conversation is the cost of extending human life. It is easy to imagine that in a generation the life expectancy could be closer to 100 years. Then let's say on average (hypothetically) everyone will get a terrible cancer and need a $1 million treatment by the time they are 95 years old. That is a burden that no government could afford. Where do you draw the line between basic healthcare vs extending human life at unreasonable cost?
More realistic scenario: Mr Big Mac McDonald's comes in at age 35 weighing 500 lbs. His diet has caused cardiac disease and now he needs a new heart transplant that will cost $100,000. Should the free healthcare system absorb that cost?
I read about this quite a bit actually. I think I even watched a youtube video on this that explained it pretty well. But the key is that european governments are absolutely invested into you never becoming mr big mac
The sugar in drinks here are limited by law. Tobacco is taxed heavily by law. Governments have required budget spendings to build new gyms, advertise the benefits of sports.
THE Government has confirmed today Thursday, October 15, that it will increase the IVA on sugary and sweetened beverages from 10 per cent to 21 per cent, with the aim of promoting healthier habits and lifestyles.
Part of the reason healthcare is so expensive and profitable these days is because people are living much longer, and needing more medical care as they get older. The cost seems to rise exponentially. For example my grandma had two knee replacements, a hip replacement, cancer treatment, etc. You simply can't provide that to everyone for free because it's such a luxury and takes the time of many others
Is that something a US citizen invested in the concept of freedom could accept, that I do not know. But if you get free healthcare, the government has a huge incentive to keep you healthy
Only rich old people can afford it. So is it ethical to let the poor old people die when we could extend their lives at great expense?
Even healthy old people need these things. When you get old enough you inevitably die or get crazy expensive medical procedures
Part of the reason healthcare is so expensive and profitable these days is because people are living much longer, and needing more medical care as they get older. The cost seems to rise exponentially. For example my grandma had two knee replacements, a hip replacement, cancer treatment, etc. You simply can't provide that to everyone for free because it's such a luxury and takes the time of many others
Fwiw your healthcare really is overly expensive. My grandma had hip replacements at a completely unsubsidized private hospital in turkey and she didn't pay anything near what my research of hip replacement prices in the US seem to be
Results: A total of 21 patients undergoing a heart transplant were included. One year survival rate was 76%. Mean (standard deviation) of total cost (procedure costs + one year follow-up cost) was 59,349 (18,881) euros (range: 29,380-113,470 euros). Procedure mean cost was 41,724 (17,584) euros (70% of total costs) and one year follow up mean cost was 17,625 (10,096) euros (30% of total costs) per patient. When the initial episode (heart transplant procedure) was analyzed, main cost drivers were personnel costs euros 59% of all costs; mean: 24,795 (7,633) euros and treatment costs -20% of all costs; mean: 8,386 (7,250) euros.
Costs of heart transplant in Barcelona (Spain) are similar to those published for other European Union countries, and well below the costs related to the procedure in the United States.
Conclusions: Costs of heart transplant in Barcelona (Spain) are similar to those published for other European Union countries, and well below the costs related to the procedure in the United States.
Oh, firstvds is supershit, but I also have experience with ihor like 5 years ago I had scandal with their's support after which I migrated all my services to Hetzner into europe
You can try Ukr hosters btw or somewhere in Finland
Good ping for CIS
Ok it's almost impossible to play on RUS Blocker now, everyone is hating in chat
Previous one wasn't that bad
firstvds is like 1 tire shitty scam hosting in russia