how did u do the background ?
Made new group, used generic_clear, lamps, chains, default grass and balk.
Made a new layer, First i filled with default grass bg, changed a bit color so it feels like it's on your back > now i did make new layer with generic tiles. Picked the biggest generic block and made it going smooth by rotating it (by smooth i meant the shadow lines between them). Now lower oppacity untill you're happy with it. Also I did remove some block from bg and made some kind of window by help of these half-generic tiles which your one must have. Adjusted colors to fit map palette. > new layer for lamps, place lamps where it wouldn't be that ugli. >add a new quad layer which should contain light mapre and place them on every lamp but don't forget to resize. > created a new layer for chains and place em at some places + adjusted oppacitg