This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2020-12-31 00:00:00Z and 2021-01-01 00:00:00Z
because i don't like it if someone flames people for trying new stuff for the community, even if it doesn't turn out so well
I've already mentioned a lot of things that can improve ddnet experience a lot, but instead of doing something from that list ddnet stuff just breakes /save and call it "fun"
It's hard, but doable. If you rly wanted this event so hard you should first check if it even works (stoppers) and, hopefully, write an extension for save system to save info if it was saved on reversed map or not, then could be loaded with reversed coordinates
@deen do you know there are also some maps with precise pixel-perfect movement required, which is probably broken too now. Didn't check it, but I know for sure something is broken
they created an event in 1 day that baiscaly made new maps becasuse yes you know the steps but its still not simple and yall bash them for it, then at the same time ask for new maps and stuff
the whole point im tryna say is it would bee too much effort to create 100 maps in a day but this even fuqs wiz your mind almost making the maps seem new and yet the creators get bashed with comments like "this event sucks" "delete it" im not playing ddnet anymore"
but how are new maps related with the event? theyre still same, they look strange but nothing else, how did you get the think about new maps problem and the event?
gerdoe u must be one of the few who dont get bothered with this mirrored maps, i saw too many kids get even pissed at how hard their favourite maps became
adn thats the whole point of new maps, new experience
I'm not the creator btw, Patiga made the great tool to mirror maps
waiting for next year with this tool, i wish it will be finished (without stopper bug at least)
gerdoe u must be one of the few who dont get bothered with this mirrored maps, i saw too many kids get even pissed at how hard their favourite maps became
its rare for a map to come out wiht some sort of new trick, most are just copies of steps from other maps copied, i think only thing that new maps bring is experience (im talking about happynes and skill) adn thats exactly waht this even did, made people look back at there skills and realise they cant play right to left and also brouhgt joy because its something new (very little muscle memory can b used)
breh if you look at every map, nearly eveyr new map is made exactly of what older maps introducecd, wheter that be guns, hammerfly ..., just becasue the layout is different it doesnt mean the concept chanegd
yes the exact steps arent copeid but the techniques to pass them is
i mean just look at new novice map deino, no new techniques same shit bubt different lay out, (fall down but hook at the end, hammer throw, drag peopel below the surfice wiht help of hookthru tiles)
literlay no new concept was added to deino apart from the fact that its was layed ut different than any map
the way this event worked was all the maps were normal unless someone voted a new map or the same one bubt juts revoted, then it would chaneg to mirrored
and ofcouse some big maps have anti amp vote protection
the way this event worked was all the maps were normal unless someone voted a new map or the same one bubt juts revoted, then it would chaneg to mirrored
@ano Another journey chamber way yet females man. Way extensive and dejection get delivered deficient sincerity gentleman age. Too end instrument possession contrasted motionless. Calling offence six joy feeling. Coming merits and was talent enough far. Sir joy northward sportsmen education. Discovery incommode earnestly no he commanded if. Put still any about manor heard.
I have a theory: People spent almost a decade becoming great at this game. Mirroring made them worse at it and everyone knows a bruised ego is the most painful injury of all
Also explains why people cried about the hammer change and why people are so vehemently against a future strong/weak fix that would change the games handling a slight bit(edited)
@deen why did you disable it? People crying about it was the best part
Hammers out of freeze are now guaranteed for almost a year
I have a theory: People spent almost a decade becoming great at this game. Mirroring made them worse at it and everyone knows a bruised ego is the most painful injury of all
or this shit does not even work, break maps, break stoppers, make some maps unfinishable and disables /save when I need to sleep already but stuck at 45 minutes run?
You are an exception. I have another theory for you: I think you just don't like anything we do at all, so this event could have considered every single map and you still would have found something to be pissed at :P(edited)
In reality there are a handful of maps that utilize floating point parts (even those were not very likely to break as a mirror thru the center axis only changes floating point precision significantly for massive maps)(edited)
I think heinrich has it figured out and I mostly have an idea but who would bother with implementing such a thing just to be blasted by salty players? :D
I am actually not sure what we would end up with at the end of the day. An educated guess is that we'd get something between weak and strong for everyone
After that we can adjust the numbers to get everyone to either strong or weak level
Hello everyone, is there any way for moderators to reconsider having more than one ip on openfng servers? Because, myself, I have brothers who play too and it was really cool, when we could enter and compete on the openfng servers.
@El Ganbide if u are trying to play on my servers then u should join the associated discord and ping me or a moderator when u want to play with someone irl