is there any way to make dummy_copy_moves more accurate? Some dummy maps require it but my dummy never can make the same moves as my tee for more than 2 seconds...
Also how comes when I go to fng and aks in f1 to check color, it shows what my previous color is made up of but not what the red team color is made up kf
@Yonatan Gold Mine would be used if no autoexec_server.cfg is found, maybe it's in the wrong directory. Did you start the server from inside client or from outside?
i added to autoexe_server.cfg but i dont think the server is connected to it. i put in the default sv_map "Conscientious" and it doesnt work. i have the map installed and in maps folder
for example "name" could be "Scorelimit 300" and "option" could be "sv_scorelimit 300"
hey, i have a question, the original Teeworlds server is open for others and can join, but the ddnet server is only in lan.
the only error i get is: Setting TOS on ipv6 failed: 2
So I used to blay teewolrds from long time ago and rn I can't find a sepcific mode neither on teewolrds or ddnet. The mode was basically you (and friends) collecting guns and health of the floor on the map ctf 5 and then Killin mg the waves of computer boys running at u with hammer. After u kill the whole wave, u get points which u can use to get unlimited ammo, shoot 5 bullets at once... Did it get deleted because I only found a mode I think it was called zomb, but it doesn't have the points system. And neither can u change maps