I don't think you can. we removed that in preparation for the teeuniverse stuff that never happened (it now syncs with server time instead). I think adding a synchronization with race time is a bad idea because it leads to graphical glitches
I see no way to smoothly animate around the race time envelopes
issues that need to be solved: what happens before you hit the start tile? what happens if you hit the start tile again after having a time already? ideally, none of these would result in jumping animations
Honestly I can't think of a single reason why syncing animations to start would be useful. It would only work in a map where you get moved automatically and have no way to delay yourself, so also 1 try because tele is out.
Honestly I can't think of a single reason why syncing animations to start would be useful. It would only work in a map where you get moved automatically and have no way to delay yourself, so also 1 try because tele is out.
The one was trying to sync or make it restart when you kill/res is the one called "speeder" (that allows shields/hearts/lasers to move), but unfortunately u cant. Also if it could be added the speeders on the switch tile could create new parts by moving shields/hearts/lasers how u want with switches.
Like u know when a deep/shields etc would start to blink when pass on a switch (a sign that its off or on) well you can do some cool parts with that, if speeders would be added on the swtich tiles. But well ♂️ ive found other solution for that problem, kinda boring using dummy but well something is something.(edited)
btw does somebody have any water mappres that can change colours ? edit: the one on normal ddnet is dudu xD(edited)