color codes like
RGB 255, 0, 0 HEX #FF0000, HSL 0, 100, 50
I once implemented RGB to XYZ conversion, which was like, crazy
had stuff like "reference white", observation angle, a lot of matrix compuations etc to get a color space that's pretty close to what the eye perceives(edited)
not worth it, too much maths
just use a library (edited)
@Boti. I'm not 100% certain, but try getting the hex colour code you want. Then in F1 use a "$" in front of the hex code when setting the colour.
E.g. player_color_feet $00B3FF
You could instead set the colour using the GUI settings. Then just type the config you're looking for in F1, e.g. "player_color_feet", then it will return the colour value, which you can then use to set it with a bind later(edited)
@kemazode we save all the data, but we don't have the tools to get it into demos or video yet. We have a crude tool that creates a veery messy demo we can use for moderation purposes but that's about it.
Anyway, when we have the tooling we were thinking of letting you download demos for any run