but when merging we forgot that we use some of these in our resetfiles not in map configsg++ **.cpp **.c (pkg-config libs)
configure_file(src/game/version.h vd.h)
to generate them. Also, it seems MinGW doesn't use the Microsoft's proprietary debug info format, so it can't generate symbol files that VS or Windows itself can parse probably. If it can help, feel free to use the code. Both 32-bit and 64-bit code is supported. VS debugger is still much more powerful than this thing, but at least 1
imologfile client.log
to your config -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=lld
directly into cmake?CXX=clang++ CC=clang CXXFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold' CFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold' cmake .. -GNinja
CXX=clang++ CC=clang CXXFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold' CFLAGS='-fuse-ld=gold' time ninja
to enable Asan easily