Tuning Description Default
ground_control_speed Max speed the tee can get on ground 10.0
ground_control_accel Acceleration speed on the ground 2.0
ground_friction Friction on the ground 0.5
ground_jump_impulse Impulse when jumping on ground 13.2
air_jump_impulse Impulse when jumping in air 12.0
air_control_speed Max speed the tee can get in the air 5.0
air_control_accel Acceleration speed in air 1.5
air_friction Friction in the air 0.95
hook_length Length of the hook 380.0
hook_fire_speed How fast the hook is fired 80.0
hook_drag_accel Acceleration when hook is stuck 3.0
hook_drag_speed Drag speed of the hook 15.0
gravity Gravity of the teeworld 0.5
velramp_start Velocity ramp start 550
velramp_range Velocity ramp range 2000
velramp_curvature Velocity ramp curvature 1.4
gun_curvature Gun curvature 1.25
gun_speed Gun speed 2200.0
gun_lifetime Gun lifetime 2.0
shotgun_curvature Shotgun curvature 1.25
shotgun_speed Shotgun speed 2750.0
shotgun_speeddiff (UNUSED) Speed difference between shotgun bullets 0.8
shotgun_lifetime (UNUSED) Shotgun lifetime 0.20
grenade_curvature Grenade curvature 7.0
grenade_speed Grenade speed 1000.0
grenade_lifetime Grenade lifetime 2.0
laser_reach How long the laser can reach 800.0
laser_bounce_delay When bouncing, stop the laser this long 150
laser_bounce_num How many times the laser can bounce 1000
laser_bounce_cost Remove this much from reach when laser is bouncing 0
laser_damage (UNUSED) Laser damage 5
player_collision Enable player collisions 1
player_hooking Enable player vs player hooking 1
jetpack_strength Jetpack pistol strength 400.0
shotgun_strength Shotgun pull strength 10.0
explosion_strength Explosion strength (grenade for example) 6.0
hammer_strength Hammer strength 1.0
hook_duration Hook duration 1.25
hammer_fire_delay Delay of hammering 125
gun_fire_delay Delay of firing gun 125
shotgun_fire_delay Delay of firing shotgun 500
grenade_fire_delay Delay of firing grenade 500
laser_fire_delay Delay of firing laser laser 800
ninja_fire_delay Delay of firing ninja 800
Due to the increasing issue of people coming from laws server to block on our multimap servers, i'd like to open a poll about moving multimap to oldschool difficulty. As of now I would consider the current situation with said blockers extremely unhealthy. To minimize the damage done to the newlings I'd really appreciate if you take part of this poll by either voting f3 or f4. If enough people agree to this change then we'll move multimap to oldschool and keep multieasymap on novice.
Keep the discussion regarding this change in: #mapping(edited)
Any ideas to mitigate the damage done to the new player experience by said blockers is also welcomed.
Seems like theres a ton of blocking there and it's so easy to block, the v2 fixed that quite a bit so yeah move the original away from the steam players
Good idea tbh
Or add loads of unfreeze, no collisions and teleporters in many parts of the original
It's clear that you guys think that other maps are mapped better, but new players seem to really enjoy Multimap (and personally I think it's more fun to watch than many other Novice maps). I think if we move it away from Novice servers we might just end up having fewer players, since they will play some other maps, get bored after a while and not return. Let's do an experiment and move Multimap to Oldschool and shut down the Novice (Multimap) servers and see how the newcomers react, for a week at least?
They wouldn't play multimap if it wasn't set up. They are playing whatever map is on with most players. I have already met players that finished multimap 20+ times because they don't even understand there are more maps
Im worried about the effects of multimap being moved. The map allows for a lot of toying around, and i enjoy mastering one map more than knowing many different ones.
Multimap is the de_dust2 of ddrace.
@soreu Ive tried a fair chunk. Its just that Ive always prefered the most popular maps in most games. Its less daunting learning many things.
@louis theres thousands of cs community maps
@cur.ie also, if you want to master a map, you will have to play lots of different ones, as other maps will teach you techniques allowing you to either skip some parts, or just go through them way faster
this question rather goes to mappers: do we need new stopper tiles? similar to new HT i would prefer just new tiles which work properly.
bugging into stoppers is really annoying from a maping perspective. also it is a bit annoying, that you don't get a doublejump reset when you are hooking somebody and are on stoppers (but the other issue is bigger imo).