# Register server (make it public)
sv_register 1
" and anyways nothing happens. (edited)sv_register
[2020-09-24 08:48:52][server]: ClientID=0 rcon='sv_register'
[2020-09-24 08:48:52][console]: Value: 1
Sending heartbeats to masterserver
Server registered successfully
[2020-09-24 08:52:39][register]: fetching server counts
[2020-09-24 08:52:44][register]: chose 'master3.teeworlds.com' as master, sending heartbeats
No firewall/nat problems detected
is the most important for you[2020-09-24 08:52:29][register]: ERROR: configure your firewall/nat to let through udp on port 8303.
in the address bar, and then... everything depends on the router you have. Everything should be explained here
in the address bar