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Between 2020-09-21 00:00:00Z and 2020-09-22 00:00:00Z
Does anyone knows what author of this tutorial on tune_zones means with "4124 possibilities and changes"?
I see a very limited list of ~50 parameters there.
No, spikes are not about prediction. It's about gravity changes from -0.2 to 1.0
So tee suddenly get's a full impulse only when he is out of zone(edited)
For a 80% submerged tee that could be just: -0.2 * 20% + 1.0 * 80%
So when submersion changes gradually force would change gradually too
and there would be no spikes then
For a 80% submerged tee that could be just: -0.2 * 20% + 1.0 * 80%
@Deleted User
right now it looks like something kicking it back in water
but ~ok for my mod
I wanted to get rid of that effect by adding air friction in water but failed.
Any value from 0.1 to 0.99 doesn't make any difference at all. And any value above 1.0 just removes all inertia.
How air friction supposed to work?
don't know if thats what deen meant, but the kicking back into the water is exactly the prediction messing up. while it in theory has all the information about the tune zones, it still messes up the transistion
Ok, maybe that kick is a prediction. At least the start of it. Still there is no reason why it gets such a huge impulse down that is not corrected with later snapshot. So that's not a prediction but a physics or how it is calculated on the edge of zones.(edited)
IRL that impulse for every (t) would be an analogue function based on submersion ratio, not discrete(edited)
that's why it's happening
even with proper perdiction it will behave the ~same for a simple switch of tune
but ok, it is not used anywhere else, I see
what about air_friction? how it is supposed to work?
@Deleted User Apparently I only adjusted the values of air & ground friction while disabling controlaccels so that players couldn't move on their own and would get consistent speed on both ground & air .\.