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information / announcements
Between 2020-08-18 00:00:00Z and 2020-08-19 00:00:00Z
New servers in Canada: DDNet CAN running, should have good ping for middle-to-east USA too! (edited)
feelsamazingman 18
Should DDNet client show other players' key presses by default? Might help newcomers to understand what others are pressing.
yes 53
no 19
🇲 6
🇦 6
🇾 6
🇧 6
🇪 6
ww 4
👉 1
👈 1
Default the client to fullscreen instead of the current default of borderless window? Switching the default means everyone with borderless window will be switched to fullscreen. Fullscreen has lower latency and better performance. (edited)
yes 47
no 12
troll 11
🇺 4
🇮 4
🇸 4
New map Tsunami by louis released on Novice.
nouis 21
no 15
🇺 14
🇮 13
🇸 13
extremenouis 8
nouis 8
zoozuis 8
droguis 8
rect1840 8
nouis 8
poois 8
nouis 8
duh 8
banouis 8
noouis 8
poundis 8
penouis 8
noouis 9
siuol 8
Exported 4 message(s)