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Between 2020-05-22 00:00:00Z and 2020-05-23 00:00:00Z
/r stopped being a thing quite some time before ddnet existed
I suggested the ability to toggle on /r in team, before the starting line. (Maybe having separate times) But most likely just as a practice mode that doesn't record times at all / give points.
I think /r would probably be the most convenient approach for a practice mode, setspawn wouldn't be as intuitive I think? Maybe a mix would be good, for maps that do have kill tiles.
or if possible, make /r work even after you die to a kill tile?
Overall, a practice mode would be a good feature to have, cause a lot of novice maps are still too difficult for newer players, and it would open up a lot of other maps for them to play, not having to restart the map entirely is a very massive QoL feature for rapid improvement.. I definitely appreciated the ability to /r when I first started, the first map I ever finished was Skynet Compilation, that wouldn't have been possible for me otherwise.(edited)
It took me 7 hours to complete it, but I was able to learn a lot from it.
if u fail a part and wanna try it again/see how it works u dont want to have to go to a test server active rcon (maybe u dont even know the pw), vote the map, try the part, get back to a new server that has the map (hoping theres an empty one available), do the part again..
Would be a lot more convenient, it also allows you to still be on a server with your friends and talk to them while you're practicing / testing.(edited)
Yea, I could see a person asking how to do a part, and someone just joins a team with their dummy, enables practice mode, teleports to the person that asked, and shows them how to do it.(edited)
Or just code the tees to not show up regardless of /showothers if they're in practice mode. You can always see them by directly spectating them
So you wouldn't need 2 cmds(edited)
It would be overall better, if it was coded and setup properly. It would probably be a pain to do, but that shouldn't be a reason for not adding something.
Start with /r, slowly implement the other practice features over time.
You don't really wanna add a bunch of things at the same time anyways.
super code and related already has lot of cases and edge cases, adding another super which doesnt allow to colide, hook, shoot, hammer with others would increase the mess in the code(edited)
i think if you want to practice, you open a sv and do it there
Also, don't let the idea of adding test features, such as super, scare away the idea of adding a practice mode to the main servers, a lot of the issues with it don't really apply to just having /r .. A fairly harmless feature
I don't like telling people to just fuck off to different servers, the only reason I see to not allow cheats and practice teams would be the horrible edge cases with the current code that'd make it very risky to implement
Why anyone would play with showothers is beyond me anyway, but we can just add another case for the special few so they can have "showothers but not practice teams" not that difficult to implement
It's a simple && pPlayer->InPractice() added next to m_ShowOthers and maybe half an hour of testing away to mask that if it actually becomes a thing that people jump around you to annoy you
As discussed on Discord today, can be enabled inside of teams on the fly
during each run on any server. Finishes don't count. I haven't tested
save/load yet, would do that live on t...