This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2020-03-04 00:00:00Z and 2020-03-05 00:00:00Z
Looking for someone to play from time to time, just got back to playing the game a little more actively. Gores or ddrace, both of interest Prefer vc but not a must, preferably ger/swe in that case but english is fine too xD
Dun worry xD I've never had trouble, and only a handful of people knew that i am female Didn't seem to bother people. I've played for several years, i just want someone to take me under their wing and bring me back gaddamittt! D:
@fjdfjasdfasjdfhsadfs@dasdas2312@fsdcxcvxzcv332@321312dsada@fsdfadfs@holdsa2@432k42342s@holdsa2 That was a boring ass scrolling... Please provide bigger variety of content next time...
Oh, and: like, for real? Out of all the gifs available? Meh.
Not to mention that fuck up: <@216912122083409925 damn nobos...
I was saying that if we can do things like driving a car, having a job, etc, then we should be able to take part in politics which directly affects these things
what? would you rather have
1 massive gangs with ar 15s and assault rifles
2 gangs with hand pistols stolen off of a few police officers with limited ammo
@louis vote age is directly related to how conservative a country is imho, they dont want young people to vote cuz it majorly affects conservative parties(edited)
And murica is all conservative what they consider left is right and at most center, i wish u luck i would never ever live there(edited)