This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2020-02-20 00:00:00Z and 2020-02-21 00:00:00Z
Welcome to the DDraceNetwork Discord server
Here you can chat with the community and get in touch with staff members In-game help
Ping @ Moderator if you..
..need help against blocking
..see someone botting/cheating
..need help against fun-voting, heavy spamming or doxing
Note: You can use the client built-in mute feature against spamming/insulting
Ping @ Vanilla, @ iCTF, @ FNG & @ zCatch respectively if you..
..need moderation on a non-DDRace DDNet server
#1 Always be respectful - Don't say or do anything that could be rude or offensive in any way.
#2 No NSFW - No pornography, gore, or anything that could be considered Not Safe For Work.
#3 Don't spam - Includes all types of spamming (messages, emojis, reactions, etc.).
#4 Use channels only for their named purpose - Off-topic goes to #off-topic, Teeworlds related images and videos go to #showroom.
#5 Use English whenever possible - If you want to talk in another language, do so in #off-topic.
#6 Don't abuse pings - Pinging any of the above mentioned roles for anything other than the listed issues is prohibited.
#7 Keep drama out of here - Sort out personal conflicts in DMs.
#8 Don't promote or encourage illegal activities - Includes botting/cheating.
Violating rules or trying to find loopholes in them might result in consequences at admins's discretion!
Invite links