This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2019-08-08 00:00:00Z and 2019-08-09 00:00:00Z
@Jesus Christ thnx for the credits, but i am useless lately. I am currently moving to a new house, living on my own. So don't really have time to be active.... I wonder if i will be active again. That depends on how big my live changes.
we cant just delete everything to please players who happily jump on the "botter" bandwagon because they wont accept hes years ahead of them in term of skill level(edited)
botting was rly stupid but thzt doesnt take away the fact that hes a great player
Lets make an example of @<BµmM>. Lets give him a cheat client let him use it for 1 week and after that delete all his rank points so that the whole community knows what is going to happen when you cheat.
[5:58 AM] Bummelchen: Giving people a second Chance after they botted 3 months straight is kinda stupid lol
but idk enough about what happened with n9 to judge this situation
once again he got punished the same way we did for everyone else - ranks deleted and namebanned - why would we focus him more now? it doesnt make sense
Yoy are like parents of idiot baby child. "Oh you cheated. Ok, we will spend a week or more watching your ranks and deleting cheated, continue playing"
Totally agreed with @<BµmM> !
You botted >> get the fuck out of competition
1. delete all ranks
2. let him namebanned
3. after 3month he can try a public unban appeal
4. if its accepted of community and admins then he is unbanned
5. he has to begin from new and isnt allowed to cheat again, if he break again it, then the same thing, but them rule 3 after 1 y
@snail about verifying players > thats not a big deal. They can register themselves as any existing name, but when someone reporting his name being stolen then verify
na? habter wieder nur scheiße hier reingerotzt? kanns etwa sein dass die admins manchmal dummes zeug machen? ist das so? und kanns auch sein dann einige leute mal gebottet haben? achso(edited)
@Im 'corneum but i looked at the data a few months ago and like half the names that ever connected had vanilla, and like 1/3- 1/4 of the active players had vanilla(edited)
EvgeshaСегодня, в 19:45
ban must be forever. thats the point
EvgeshaСегодня, в 20:16
1. Not banning forever
2. Making money on ddnet
3. less botters
4. good punishment
so make it around 50$ or smth
@Freezy no shit lol, when someone cheated once there will ALWAYS be suspicions on him, especially if that guys stays relevant. whats your point there? we cant do anything against that
the people that think n9 still bots are ignoring his skills. the fact that he somnetimes does multiple rank1 a day just proves to me that he always had that skill. while others think he can only achieve this with some kind of bot
evgesha you have 2 ranks on solo that are below rank100. you dont know how easy it can be to do rank1. ive played maps where only 2 people from the top5 used a certain cut
I wrote like 10 times that ddnet should change their punish system into a better one i mean after someone botted remove him from any competition like in every other game and sport
@snail why dont you always do that. just whenever an argument starts, say that you banned him and when they see the rankpage just say it wil update eventually. eventually they will forget about it.
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