alright so lets clear this up: in exchange for a donation you get nothing in return meaning konstis unban should never have had anything to do with the donation in the first place. this means that giving back the money to konsti has nothing to do with the unban of konsti aswell and because konsti has not violated any rules since his unban, his ban is not deserved and should be revoked
I was a faithful friend from the start. The best friend? No. But I was a faithful friend. From map to map, I helped jao get across hard barriers. We talked and talked, about the future, what teeworlds could hold. We had wonderful moments together, memories that would last a lifetime. Whenever I would see him on a server, a new journey would spark up as we explored the wonders of each map. And now? he won't take my money
I was a faithful friend from the start. The best friend? No. But I was a faithful friend. From map to map, I helped jao get across hard barriers. We talked and talked, about the future, what teeworlds could hold. We had wonderful moments together, memories that would last a lifetime. Whenever I would see him on a server, a new journey would spark up as we explored the wonders of each map. And now? he won't take my money
if u suck a dick, and while ur sucking a dick you say "no homo" but because of the dick in your mouth it comes out sounding like "so homo", that doesnt make u gay right? Ur still straight then right?(edited)
if u suck a dick, and while ur sucking a dick you say "no homo" but because of the dick in your mouth it comes out sounding like "so homo", that doesnt make u gay right? Ur still straight then right?
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