This channel is for all Teeworlds/DDNet and related chat. Gameplay questions can be asked here as well rather than in #questions. Ingame screenshots and any other Teeworlds related media goes to #showroom.
Between 2019-07-13 00:00:00Z and 2019-07-14 00:00:00Z
Yo we just added some funny new commands to DDNet bot and you can now make funny memes using just a bot. If you have more ideas feel free to send me them @jao made the code and i did the templates
but actually it doesnt matter what video it is @Aoe@Boci
people in this forum thread will always see jumping kirbys you dont notice the skill without having some tw expierence
Absolutely disappointed by DDNet what the fucking hell
Konsti donates money to help DDNet servers running, they unban him, then they decide to send back the money because jao hates him and they ban him again
what a shit staff
like they unbanned him only for money because he got banned again after sending back the money
Konsti: Donating 500€
Admin team: Unbanned him cuz they felt akward keeping him banned after he donated
Konsti: Unbanned
Admin team: hates konsti to much and bannhed him again + sending him his money back
People now: Talking about what happened.
what if konste realkly did scam again and they just banned him again after he got his money back. wouldnt be the first time but its easy to hate ddnet atm when the servers are down and yall will look stupid
alright so lets clear this up: in exchange for a donation you get nothing in return meaning konstis unban should never have had anything to do with the donation in the first place. this means that giving back the money to konsti has nothing to do with the unban of konsti aswell and because konsti has not violated any rules since his unban, his ban is not deserved and should be revoked(edited)
Tyler the creator told me "Hahahahahahah How the fuck is cyber bullying real hahahahaha nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha"