i dont rly care tbh its easier to have a name for it, but its not rly legitimate that somebody (here its u) randomly decides the name for a move he didnt even discover xd
ddrace was rly small back then but yes its theoretically possible that somebody mapped it and never published it, doesnt change the fact that this map (i think it was a jailbreak) made this trick known from everyone and very likely the first part using it ever anyway
but as i said i dont mind ur urobros thing coz it makes it easier to call it ye
So I watched the video, very skilled players ... I now get what 'the move' is ... no clue how to pronounce the name it was allegedly given though. which means I'll never remember it or use it
there are so many other 'tricks' i cant even do yet ... i will not even be attempting this anytime soon .. not while hf anyway
i even suck at normal rocketfly off tee ... and that hammer fly where the driver hits a top edge as you go horizontal ... i cant seem to do that (is it even possible with dummy?) ... i've tried deep fly ... i'm better at rocket fly .. though it is fun to mess around with it
normal hammer fly I got down though lol .... yeah i suck, shutup
when you have a job, wife and kids there isn't enough time to play to master all these things