Heya pals , here we are , after some long discussions and a comeback from Corp we decided to organise our own gCTF tournament. Every players from every levels are invited to participate to this tournament so take your weapons and kill them all to earn the prices!
Date: Saturday 09/03/2019
Gametype: gCTF
Version: 0.6
Map: CTF 5 - CTF 3 - CTF Tantum - CTF 4_old - CTF Corp and some other maps ( u will be informed soon )
Participant-Limit: 2 players and 1 replacement
Rounds: This will be a BO3 on each maps. Loosers will decide of the next map to play on.
Time-Limit/Round: 15 Minutes
To register to the tournament , you have to write the name of your team and which members are in it #sign_up . For exemple :
Team Spray and Pray : Jax , Trap , Cuube
If you don’t have discord, you can’t participate as the organization and communication before, during and after the tournament will take place on that platform.
If you're searching for a mate , don't hesitate to post a message in #find_a_team.
Moderators : Me , Zooom.7z and Rilla
Helpers: Corp members
Streamer: Zooom.7z
50€ to share for the first
30€ to share for the seconds
10€ to share for the thirds
If you want to donate to help us , don't hesitate to pm me or one of the moderators / helpers.
Discord to subscribe :