@ChillerDragon since the bridge is dead I'll put this here
03:07 <+Learath2> Nothing needs to be changed, you just need to port the entire mod
03:09 <+Learath2> Protocol message extension, Snap object extension, 64p, mutes (not sure if they are in 0.7), tune zones, sound envelopes, datafile extensions, rcon auth system are a few things that'd need to be patched in to the source
03:12 <+Learath2> Then comes the hard part of porting all the client features. HUD extensions, gfx improvements, updater, http map downloader, editor improvements, serverbrowser things, scoreboards, demo recording, ghosts (I'm probably missing some here)
03:13 <+Learath2> And after all that you sitll haven't even started porting the ddrace core, freeze, deep freeze, stoppers, doors, plasma, bullets...